09 December 2011

Hungry Monkey

My student Miguel Angel is so fun to teach. After his lesson on Wednesday he let me keep this piece of paper with his drawings and practice English sentences.  His next test at school will be about describing people and feelings, so that's what we were practicing.

The column on the left was a spelling test. I read the words and he had to write them. And since I know he likes to draw I had him draw the little pictures of each word to make sure he knew what they meant. He did pretty well, but I think originally thought "thirsty" meant "feverish", so you'll see the little crossed out guy who is sad with spots on his face.

Miguel's favorite animal is the monkey, so that's why he chose to draw the monkey eating pizza. Such a good artist! 

After our fun with spelling and drawing I taught him Jingle Bells to sing for his parents. I think it'll take him a few more lessons to really memorize it... Not sure the meanings of all the phrases will stick with him though. A one horse open sleigh? That's a tough one. 

Again, can't believe I get paid to hang out with this little guy, he's such a hoot!  


  1. Senor Bennisimo TarnoffisimoDecember 9, 2011 at 8:10 AM

    Hungry monkey! Esta loco!

  2. oh my gosh, how cute! He is such a good artist!
