11 February 2012

Potato Invasion

Before the next big traveling post I wanted to sneak in one with some photos from our "normal" life here in the Royal City. Since it's been pretty chilly lately we've been staying home and cooking a lot. My latest obsession with Pinterest doesn't help...people pin so many recipes I want to try! At any rate, here are a couple recent successes.  

One day we were craving In-N-Out style burgers, so we made some sliders and oven fries that ended up pretty tasty, complete with toasted bun and special sauce. And before y'all freak out about whether or not I ate a slider - I did. And it was awesome.   

This is the birthday breakfast extravaganza that WP made for me a couple weeks ago. It included all of the morning superstars: fruit salad, home fries, eggs and tea. And he even got me a bouquet of flowers. What a nice husband! 

Finally, take a look a these roasted potatoes with Parmesan cheese. These bad boys are seasoned with copious amounts of pimentón (Spanish paprika), garlic salt, pepper and roasted with whole garlic cloves. I'm making myself hungry just writing about it.

And yes, somehow we always end up cooking potatoes. If there's one thing Spain is really good at providing, it's potatoes. And there's a reason they called me Papas Fritas in Chile.

In non-potato related news: yesterday we decided to celebrate Valentine's Day early by heading to the neighboring town, Almagro. We went to the Parador (fancy state-run hotels in historic buildings) and had a delicious lunch.  Here we are with dessert - 3 types of sorbet and fruit on top!

As I was sitting at my desk today looking out the window at the park I realized how much things have changed around here since we moved into the apartment in October. I looked back in my photos and found the photo on the left of the view from our office. I just took the photo on the right a few minutes ago. Yup, it's winter now! And any time Spring wants to arrive, I'm ready!! 


This Thursday we are going to London and then Norwich to visit some friends. We're getting excited to see some movies in English, eat some Indian food and poke around in Will's (and his family's) old London neighborhood. Cheers! 

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