16 July 2012

A Night in Milan

On the 4th of July, we were in Milan. WP and I had one night there and my family had two nights. Since we didn't have too much time, we just took a subway ride down to the center of the city and took a look around. Here's the main cathedral, a pretty impressively huge building: 

The inside of the cathedral was awesome, here's a view from the back of the church looking toward the altar: 

This statue was particularly interesting, with all his muscles and some bones showing:

There are a lot of funny signs in Europe, but this one might take the cake. "Jesus on the Web": 

Since it was the 4th of July, we decided to celebrate by going to McDonalds for some french fries. Plus, it is fun to go to see what menu items they have that we don't at home, like the Parmesan Snack! On the 1 euro menu you can get a snack size portion of Parmesan cheese that is about as big as Will's thumb:

Later that evening we went to dinner at a place that had some Abruzzese specialties (the region where we spent time in Penne), and some Milanese specialties. The risotto Milanese is prepared with saffron and Parmesan, and was so delicious! 

During dinner a thunder storm rolled in, so our walk back to the hotel was a little bit wet. It was still pretty warm outside, so the storm didn't stop us from getting gelato! We found another location of Grom (which we went to in Florence and Venice), and had some amazing gelato on our last night in Italy. 

On the walk home we took cover in this beautiful arcade that houses fancy shops like Prada and Louis Vuitton. 

In the center of the arcade, there was a wedding dress photo shoot taking place. Not sure about the photographer's decision to use McDonalds as the background...

From Milan, Will and I flew to Berlin to meet some friends and my family went back home via London. We were sad to leave Italy (and Italian food), but excited to go to Germany! Next post will be about our time in Berlin, followed by our trip to the island of RĂ¼gen in the Baltic Sea.  

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