20 December 2011

Navidad, CR Style

In the main plazas here in Ciudad Real Christmas celebrations are in full swing. They have a little market place set up selling gifts and treats and lots of lights around the pedestrian walkways.

Here's Plaza Mayor with the shops and big Christmas tree in the background:

And the big Felicidades sign on the side of the city hall building: 

Here's an up close shot of the Christmas tree (I love the bright paisley pattern!) and WP standing in one of the pedestrian streets that leads to Plaza Mayor

Here's the carousel and tree: 


That long table is the biggest nativity scene I've ever seen! It even includes a castle. 

Along with the shopping there are also stands selling delicious foods like fresh patatas bravas, potato chips, chocolates and crepes! 

On Sunday we had some of our friends from the teaching program over for a little Christmas party and Secret Santa (or Amigo Invisible) gift exchange. Here's a shot of some of the girls: 

And our little Christmas tree surrounded by Secret Santa gifts! 

And here's WP climbing into a chimney...

We head out tomorrow for our honeymoon, so excited! Will not be blogging from the road but will take lots of photos to upload in the new year! 

Feliz Navidad! 

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