12 January 2012

Home Again

We're back in Ciudad Real after a very long and very fun honeymoon! We traveled for almost 3 weeks around Morocco, to Ceuta, a quick stop in Gibraltar, and a few locations on the Canary Island of Tenerife. After many taxi, boat, train, bus and plane rides we are happy to be home again! There are so many photos and stories I'm planning to split it all up in at least a few posts.

In the mean time, here are a few fun photos to get you started!

One of the first kasbahs (fortresses) we went to in Morocco was so beautiful. Inside it is covered in detailed tile work and the view from this window was amazing - farm land, dramatic mountains and a small town mostly made up of adobe buildings.

On Christmas Eve we were staying in a small hotel in Morocco, owned by a couple Spaniards and Moroccans. It was so sweet - after dinner they brought out cava and traditional Spanish desserts for us to celebrate Christmas!

Here's a sneak peak of our camel adventure! We rode these bad boys into the dunes of Erg Chebbi for a beautiful (but very cold) night in the Sahara. 

Ok, more coming soon once we finish weeding through photos! 


  1. MORE PHOTOS!!! i need this guys

  2. Wow, looks amazing!!! Can't wait to see more <3
